As an individual sport golf can be one of the most mentally challenging games in existence. With no teammate to lean on if things go sour, a player is left alone with their own thoughts and emotions to battle through. When these irrational, negative, self-defeating thoughts take over it can be very difficult to play golf at the level you know you are capable of playing.
A common mistake many golfers make is to over-think every element of their game. This can include questioning club selection, stance, or grip. Over-thinking is a huge barrier to performing well because it creates indecision and doubt, which in turn will impact the confidence you have in your swing. By focusing on simple thoughts, and learning to trust your training, you can overcome this mental trap and play more consistent golf.
Another major mistake golfers make is to over-analyze their bad shots. This is a problem because it takes your attention away from the only shot that matters, the next one. It also puts the bad shot on a pedestal, which is a high-risk situation for getting drawn into a negative thinking pattern. You can avoid this by recognizing that bad shots happen to everyone and letting them pass by without giving them any extra significance.
Anxiety is a common issue for most golfers. They get their mind wrapped up in worries about a variety of uncontrollable things that could affect their round such as, stray drives and putts, shooting low scores, poor weather conditions, etc. Worries like this are often created in the hours leading up to a round of golf and can be a serious detriment to performance.
When a golfer gets frustrated with the results of their shot, it can quickly lead to a spiral that is very difficult to recover from. This is because the angry feelings will distract you from the only thing that really matters, the next shot. Anger also tends to cause people to focus on negative thoughts, which again will be a huge impediment to your performance.
Angry or frustrated golfers are rarely at their best. The good news is that you can eliminate this mental stumbling block by identifying it when it happens. The best way to do this is by noticing where your attention goes during a round of golf. The moment you notice that your attention is wandering, just let it go and bring it back to the present. Then, you can refocus on the task at hand. Over time, this will be easier to do and will improve your play. To learn more about Overcoming Golfing Mental Mistakes and becoming more mentally resilient, download our free eBook. You will find strategies and exercises to help you do just that. To access it, simply fill out the form below! We will send it to your email in a few minutes. Good luck!