Natural Wellness Resource for County of Santa Clara Employees

Natural wellness resource is an active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a holistic state of health. It includes physical fitness and the development of healthy eating habits; a positive outlook, and a belief system that supports mental and spiritual well-being; meaningful social connections and participation in groups; a commitment to self-care and medical care when needed; creative and stimulating mental activity; and personal responsibility and personal growth that leads to success in all endeavors.

Our most extensive wellness resource is nature itself. From urban parks to wilderness, research shows that spending time in nature increases a sense of wellbeing, improves mental clarity and emotional stability, boosts creativity, and lowers stress and anxiety. Ecotherapy – or the practice of using natural elements to promote psychological or physical healing – is gaining traction as an effective means for people to connect with nature and tap into its restorative powers.

From lowering nearsightedness to increasing vitamin D levels, the benefits of nature are wide and varied. Even a few 20-minute “immersions” per week can improve your mood, decrease symptoms of depression and PTSD, and increase empathy and cooperation.

As a County of Santa Clara employee, you have access to numerous health and wellness resources as part of your benefit plan. Access our broad collection of apps, videos and articles, designed to help you thrive in mind, body, and spirit.

Taking care of yourself isn’t always easy, but knowing what is available and how to use it can make the difference. Use these wellness tools and practices to feel healthier, happier, and more balanced – even during life’s ups and downs.

With 24/7 access, Gale Health and Wellness is your premier source for authoritative health and wellness information. Whether you’re looking for information on specific diseases or disorders, alternative medicine practices, or dietary and exercise advice, this collection has it all!

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